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Aproximadamente 426.000 resultados
  1. UFO occupants - Reptilian and grey alien pictures

    Real alien pictures? UFO occupants photos and descriptions, grey aliens and
    reptilian-amphibian aliens (Caponi Italy 1993, Varginha Brazil 1996) and ... - En caché - Similares
  2. UFO Occupants

    According to the UFO literature, UFO occupants come in different humanoid shapes
    and sizes. Regarding shape, the occupants have more or less the basic ... - En caché - Similares

    ENCOUNTERS WITH UFO OCCUPANTS by Coral and Jim Lorenzen (1976). The Entities in
    Europe. The earliest report in Europe of an unconventional aircraft on the ... - En caché - Similares
  4. Imágenes de UFO Occupants

  5. UFO Occupants ~ Drawings,Sketches and Non-Human Reports., page 1

    9 Dec 2009 ... Thread dealing with drawings and sketches of UFO occupants and non-human reports
    . I'm sure there will be many other cases out there (and ... - En caché - Similares
  6. Two strange British UFO occupant reports., page 1

    18 Apr 2010 ... Two very strange UFO occupant reports taken from the 1977 English documentary '
    Out Of This World' - the first one involves a lady and her ... - En caché - Similares
  7. Alien Encounters, UFO Occupants, Humanoid Report

    UFO Occupant Sightings Richard H. Hall. (Based on information contained in The
    UFO Evidence, Vol. II. Excerpts are reproduced with permission of the author.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  8. Alien Encounters, UFO Occupants, Humanoid Report

    Sightings of UFO occupants have occurred steadily over the years, but tend to
    increase during sighting waves. By far the most common type is the small ... - En caché - Similares
  9. Man has close encounter with UFO occupants (the Dawson encounter ...

    Man has close encounter with UFO occupants (the Dawson encounter) ... shaken
    both mentally and physically from his encounter with the UFO and its occupants.
    ... - En caché - Similares
  10. Eagle River Close Encounter (man given 'pancakes' by UFO occupants ...

    Overview of the close encounter at Eagle River, in which Joe Simonton was given
    "pancakes" by the occupants of a UFO which landed outside his home. R ... - En caché - Similares
  11. Thoughts on Giant UFO Occupants: South America's Giant Ufonauts ...

    17 Mar 2010 ... News of an alleged three-meter-tall non-human entity shambling toward a roadside
    in Chile (March 2010) brought back memories of the truly ... - En caché - Similares
  12. UFO Occupants Questionnaire

    23 Feb 2008 ... UFO Occupants Questionnaire. The UFO occupants are always considered as an
    individual unit instead of part of a civilization. - En caché - Similares
  13. Redbear's Photos and Communications With UFO Occupants

    22 Jan 2010 ... I have be corresponding with a reader who goes by the handle. - En caché - Similares
  14. UFO Occupants - Possibly Amphibians - Aliens / Extraterrestrial ...

    UFO Occupants - Possibly Amphibians article from The Book Of THoTH Aliens /
    Extraterrestrial section. - En caché - Similares
  15. 3 Inch Tall UFO Occupant! - Alien UFOs

    Here ya go Cricket. Here is a report involving another Mini-UFO and a 3"
    occupant. Malaysia had the bulk of them. - Similares
  16. Encounters with UFO occupants (A Berkley medallion ...

    Encounters with UFO occupants (A Berkley medallion book) [Paperback] ... UFO
    Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Sa... by Jacques Vallee ... - En caché - Similares
  17. Strange Encounters : Bizarre & Eerie Contact With UFO ...

    True stories from the "Twilight Zone" of UFOlogy. Here are bizarre -- but
    authentic cases from the personal files of MR UFO, Timothy Green Beckley,editor
    of ... - En caché - Similares
  18. The UFO Iconoclast(s): Where are the UFO occupants?

    9 Feb 2007 ... And there are dozens of other representations of flying saucer (UFO) occupants
    no photos (real ones that is) but lots of drawings. ... - En caché - Similares
  19. Vídeos sobre UFO Occupants

    UFO occupants in craft
    2 min - 16 Dic 2010
    Subido por loucanola
    (TNS)UFO Occupants Aknowledge Identity? @(1:02 ...
    3 min - 14 Ago 2010
    Subido por sphericalwjr08800
    Ufo in Turkey With Visible Occupants pt 1
    11 min - 5 Jul 2009
    Subido por 1337radiantEnergy

  20. Are UFO Occupants From Outer Space Or From Another Dimension ...

    14 Feb 2011 ... Answers to the question, Are UFO Occupants From Outer Space Or From Another
    Dimension? Answers to Questions from People Who Know at Ask ... - En caché - Similares
  21. Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants -, New Zealand - David Icke's ...

    Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants -, New Zealand UFOs / ETs / Anunnaki / Orbs /
    Crop Circles / Solar System / Space. - En caché - Similares
  22. Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants – Blenheim, New Zealand

    18 May 2011 ... Image by Mark Cashman based on witness account and sketch. (credit: Mark Cashman
    , Preamble: On July 13, ... - En caché - Similares
  23. UFO occupants are gonna get humiliated, SOON!!!? | UFO Spy

    17 Mar 2011 ... UFO occupants are gonna get humiliated, SOON!!!? UFO Technology Add comments.
    Mar 172011. Nothing moves quicker than human curiosity, ... - En caché - Similares
  24. UFO Occupants - Drawings & Sketches - Project Avalon Forum

    UFO Occupants ~ Drawings and Sketches Underneath most of the pictures, you will
    find links to the descriptions of UFO/Alien contacts ... - En caché - Similares
  25. Aliens Ghosts & Monsters- Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants ...

    18 May 2011 ... Aliens Ghosts & Monsters- Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New
    Zealand. - En caché - Similares
  26. Old-Saybrook, Connecticut, December 16, 1957, UFO Casebook Files

    A reported sighting of a UFO with occupants seen through its windows, having a
    number of similarities to both the Squyres and the Knight cases, ... - En caché - Similares
  27. Idaho Falls, Idaho, December 8, 1967, UFO with Occupants-UFO ...

    The six preceding occupant reports have one thing in common: the reported ... - En caché - Similares
  28. PARANORMAL MUSINGS: Do UFO Occupants know who God is?

    2 Apr 2009 ... Do UFO Occupants know who God is? I found this entry on Whitley Strieber's
    Unknown Country web site in the "Insight" section. ... - En caché - Similares
  29. PATTERNS OF UFO ABDUCTIONS, PART 2 - Intruders Foundation

    In these hundreds upon hundreds of UFO abduction accounts, I have yet to hear
    anyone state that the UFO occupants paid the slightest attention to an ... - En caché - Similares
  30. UFO occupants in craft | Paranormal

    16 Dec 2010 ... The only work I have done with this video frame was to enlarge and sharpen it.
    Full video - - En caché - Similares
  31. UFO occupants - crossword puzzle clue

    UFO occupants is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 6 times. There are
    related clues (shown below). Referring crossword puzzle answers: ... - En caché - Similares
  32. UFO occupants (Crossword dictionary)

    Words you can enter when asked for `UFO occupants` (Mijnwoordenboek - Crossword
    dictionary) - En caché - Similares
  33. UFO Occupants

    UFO Occupants. According to the UFO literature, UFO occupants come in different
    humanoid shapes and sizes. Regarding shape, the occupants have more or less ... - En caché - Similares

    The complete reports of extraterrestrial contact entitled "Encounters with UFO
    Occupants." The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization has collected ... - En caché - Similares
  35. Thoughts on Giant UFO Occupants - Supernatural UFO

    18 Mar 2010 ... News of an alleged three-meter-tall non-human entity shambling toward a roadside
    in Chile (March 2010) brought back memories of the truly ... - En caché - Similares
  36. Ufo Occupants & Critters (Open Library)

    30 Apr 2008 ... Ufo Occupants & Critters by John B. Musgrave, April 1979,Mokelumne Hill Pr
    edition, Hardcover. - En caché - Similares
  37. Encounters With UFO Occupants, Coral and Jim Lorenzen. (Paperback )

    Encounters With UFO Occupants by Coral and Jim Lorenzen. (Paperback 133292) - En caché - Similares
  38. (TNS)UFO Occupants Aknowledge Identity? @(1:02) 2-6-10 - Alien ...

    UFOs, Conspiracy Theory, Modern Mysteries and Ancient Truths -
    Online Community. - Similares
  39. Unconventional Flying Objects - Paul R. Hill

    Of all UFO aspects, the study of the UFO occupants is the most fascinating. If
    we follow the Lorenzen's lead, we generalize that the occupants come in three
    ... - En caché - Similares
  40. TCIY - 8.3 Occupants

    According to the UFO literature, UFO occupants come in different humanoid shapes
    and sizes. Regarding shape, the occupants have more or less the basic ... - En caché - Similares
  41. Democratic Underground - They just declassified some pics of the ...

    1 Jul 2007 ... They just declassified some pics of the UFO occupants. - En caché - Similares
  42. UFO religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    UFO religion is an informal term used to describe a religion that equates UFO
    occupants with gods or other semi-divine beings. Typically, the UFO occupants
    ... - En caché - Similares
  43. UFO Occupants - Singapore Paranormal Investigators

    23 Jan 2003 ... What exactly are these UFO occupants? Are they extraterrestrial beings as
    claimed by some ufologists? We will look at this claim and why it ... - En caché - Similares
  44. Thoughts on Giant UFO Occupants | New Crystal Mind

    19 Mar 2010 ... This is a thought-provoking article on human encounters with giant UFO occupants
    . It includes of several recent and older incidents some of ... - En caché - Similares
  45. Zephyr Technology UFO Disclosure, Flying Saucer Occupants, Space ...

    Aiming to that, I wouldn't be much surprised to find that the UFO policy that
    has been imposed on ... Aryan UFO Occupants (Space Brother and Space Sister) ... - En caché - Similares

    But what if the humanoid UFO occupants are indeed real and substantial, .... and
    the UFO occupants we see today are the descendants of the human galactic ... - En caché - Similares
  47. UFO ROUNDUP Volume 1 Number 16

    After grabbing some packages of Dannon's Yogurt, the three UFO occupants ran
    toward the baggage claim area. Meanwhile, outside the terminal, ... - En caché - Similares
  48. UFO religions | Facebook

    UFO religion is an informal term used to describe a religion that equates UFO
    occupants with gods or other semi-divine beings. Typically, the UFO occupants
    ... - En caché - Similares
  49. UFO cult | Facebook

    UFO religion is an informal term used to describe a religion that equates ... - En caché - Similares
  50. UFO Occupants Seen Near Hospital

    UFO Occupants Seen Near Hospital. From Canadian UFO Report Vol 1 No 7 (Summer
    1970). Miss Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse, and Mrs. Frieda Wilson, ... - En caché - Similares
  51. Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New Zealand - Topix

    18 May 2011 ... Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New Zealand. Full story: Phantoms
    and Monsters. Image by Mark Cashman based on witness account ... - En caché - Similares
  52. Twitter / UFO Updates: (PICTURES) Purported UFO ...

    (PICTURES) Purported UFO occupants - alien pictures #ufo #
    alien about 6 hours ago via web Retweeted by 1 person ... - En caché - Similares
  53. USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants, 1948 (allegedly ...

    4 May 2011 ... USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants, 1948 (allegedly released footage,
    2011 HD). More info here: Follow ... - En caché - Similares
  54. UFO Occupants - a set on Flickr

    Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing
    application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world,
    ... - En caché - Similares
  55. Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New Zealand | RedGage

    Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New Zealand. - En caché - Similares
  56. UFO and Religion

    These believers even equate UFO occupants with gods or other semi-diving beings.
    Combining UFOs and religion existed since the early 20th Century with the ... - En caché - Similares
  57. The Debris Field: Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim ...

    19 May 2011 ... Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New Zealand. Phantoms and Monsters
    : Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena ... - En caché - Similares
  58. Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New Zealand

    Share Vote Tweet, Viewing: - En caché - Similares
  59. Ethical Implications of The UFO Abduction Phenomenon

    Are the UFO occupants, as they are described by their abductees, good or bad,
    ... First of all, confrontations with UFO occupants are generally experienced
    ... - En caché - Similares
  60. Six 'Saucer-Shaped' UFOs And Face-To-Face ET Contact In LA In 1957

    It has been mentioned in a number of UFO books but the full story was found in a
    rare out of print book, "Encounters with UFO Occupants", by Jim and Coral ... - En caché - Similares
  61. Busaca - La Web - occupants

    UFO occupants photos and descriptions, grey aliens and reptilian-amphibian ...
    Purported alien UFO-nauts (UFO occupants) - alien pictures. ... - En caché - Similares
  62. UFO And Occupants Filmed Over Black Sea, Turkey ** HIGHLY ...

    30 Jan 2011 ... This could be what we've been waiting for. Compelling footage (even a little
    sobering and disturbing) from Doctor Roger Leir. - En caché - Similares
  63. Ufo Occupants & Critters - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    John B. Musgrave - 1979 - 64 páginas
    It appeared to be 12-14 ft. in diameter, and approximately UFO and Entity as
    Drawn by Witness ... Wido Hoville, '"Robot1 occupants reported," SKYLOOK, No.
  64. Strange Craft with Occupants Seen in Kansas, 1952

    William Squyres sees strange flying craft and occupants in Kansas. - En caché - Similares
  65. Enhanced Pictures of the Ufo in Turkey Showing Alien Occupants ...

    11 May 2009 ... Enhanced Pictures of the Ufo in Turkey Showing Alien Occupants - Freaky ! Yikes!
    As you may know i posted last year and in 2007 about the ... - En caché - Similares
  66. USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants, 1948 (allegedly ...

    4 May 2011 ... The Gaia Genocide Game by Janet Kira Lessin · USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve
    Occupants, 1948 (allegedly released footage, 2011 HD) ... - En caché - Similares
  67. Ufo Religion Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia | News Questions

    UFO religion is an informal term used to describe a religion that equates UFO
    occupants with gods or other semidivine beings. Typically, the UFO occupants ... - En caché - Similares
  68. ufo technology

    Are the UFO occupants, as they are described by their abduc- tees, ... First of
    all, confrontations with UFO occupants are generally experi- enced as ... - En caché - Similares
  69. Turkey Ufo Shows Alien Occupants Part 2 Of 2

    Turkey Ufo Shows Alien Occupants Part 2 Of 2 on WN Network delivers the latest
    Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, ... - En caché - Similares
  70. Carpenters - Calling Occupants Of Enterprise (A rare UFO related song)

    Discussion about Carpenters - Calling Occupants Of Enterprise (A rare UFO
    related song) at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. - Similares
  71. Dailymotion - USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants ...

    5 Mar 2011 ... More info here:
    roswell-grey-alien.htmlFollow our work on Facebook ... - En caché - Similares
  72. USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants (Released Footage) HD ...

    9 May 2011 ... USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants (Released Footage) HD. May 09th 2011
    Author: UFO ONSY * Comments(20) ... - En caché - Similares
  73. USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants, 1948 - Videos - MetaTube

    4 May 2011 ... USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants, 1948 By Iroma. Usted necesita
    instalar la versión 9.0.124 o superior de Adobe Flash Player ... - En caché - Similares
  74. Flying Saucers From Hell | Articles | Features | Fortean Times UK

    On the one hand there is a group of evangelicals – mainly Americans, such as Dr
    Billy Graham – who have said the UFO occupants may be angels sent by God to ... - En caché - Similares
  75. UFO religion

    UFO religion is an informal term used to describe a religion that equates UFo
    occupants with gods or other semi-divine beings. Typically, the UFO occupants
    ... - En caché - Similares
  76. MUFON UFO Journal, No

    UFO occupants or "humanoids" present themselves in various shapes and sizes, as
    do the UFO themselves. Worldwide reports have from time to time given rise ... - En caché - Similares
  77. Ufos as angelic or demonic manifestation | Giovanni Pellegrino

    An interpretation of the common views on ufos at the light of history of ... are
    among the benefit that ufo occupants in part through human contactees. ... - En caché - Similares
  78. Are UFOs Real? An AC Experiment on Life and the Universe ...

    31 Jan 2007 ... The third kind reports sightings of UFO occupants from outer space, while the
    fourth kind involves personal contact with the occupants of ... - En caché - Similares
  79. The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    David M. Jacobs - 1999 - 288 páginas
    And the more we learned about the occupants of UFOs, the more difficult it was
    to understand their motivation. The UFO and occupant reports that began to ...
  80. Ufo Video From Turkey Shows Alien Occupants, Part 1. - UFOMG.COM ...

    21 Nov 2009 ... 25 Responses for "Ufo Video From Turkey Shows Alien Occupants, Part 1."
    evanescencerawks November 24th, 2009 at 6:19 am. Legitimate UFO. ... - En caché - Similares
  81. Ufo Video From Turkey Shows Alien Occupants | we must know

    23 Dec 2010 ... The images captured are expected to have a tremendous impact throughout the
    world and be listed as “the most important UFO/extraterrestrial ... - En caché - Similares
  82. Wilcox,Gary,UFO Contactee,1964 - Buscar con Google

    Alleged contact with UFO occupants involving dairy farmer Gary T Wilcox in ...
    UFO with occupants in Socorro, NM and Gary Wilcox, a Newark, .... early years
    ...,Gary,UFO%20Contactee,1964.htm - En caché - Similares
  83. The Kelly-Hopkinville UFO Occupant Sighting « Xenophilia (True ...

    16 Mar 2011 ... via A Different Perspective: The Kelly-Hopkinville UFO Occupant Sighting. From
    the wikipedia article on this event: ... - En caché - Similares
  84. USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants (Released Footage) HD ...

    2 May 2011 ... 3 survivors and 8 dead from downed saucer.. Watch Video about UFO by Metacafe.
    com. - En caché - Similares
  85. UFO Folklore Center

    In a previously published article, (Classifications of Observed UFO Occupants) I
    discussed two primary species of UFO occupants. These are A) Homo Sapiens, ... - En caché - Similares
  86. UFO with alien occupants videotaped again over Kumburgaz Istanbul ...

    15 May 2009 ... UFO with aliens occupant videotaped again over Kumburgaz Istanbul ,May 15,2009.
    Take a look at the dog at the 4:10 mark the dog is clearly ... - En caché - Similares
  87. UFO Footage Analyzed And Occupants Discovered |

    13 Feb 2011 ... Curiosities, Mysteries, and the Unexplained - UFOs, Strange Creatures, and Crop
    Circles. Home. UFO Footage Analyzed And Occupants Discovered ... - En caché - Similares
  88. Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel's UFO Investigator Pass

    Show this pass to U.F.O. occupants or authorities, when conducting an
    investigation. PHOTO OF INVESTIGATOR. (blank space for photo) ... - En caché - Similares
  89. Truro Massachusetts | UFO Sightings

    9 Apr 2011 ... In 1975 he carried out his first major investigation which involved a UFO
    landing and occupant incident in North Hudson Park, NJ. ... - En caché - Similares
  90. UFO Briefing Document Shows 'Best Available Evidence'

    Notably absent from the report are any cases involving alleged abduction of
    humans by UFO occupants. In fact, the report includes only one case of the ... - En caché - Similares
  91. Enhanced Pictures of the Ufo Turkey Showing Alien Occupants ...

    Enhanced Pictures of the Ufo in Turkey Showing Alien Occupants - Freaky ! Yikes!
    As you may know l ast year and in 2007 about ... - En caché - Similares
  92. Aliens Ufo Sightings 1955 | 2011 - 2012 New Information

    4 May 2011 ... "ALIENS UFO SIGHTINGS 1955" real alien pictures ufo occupants photos and
    contrary to theaug 21 1955 hopkinsville ky related timelines ufo ... - En caché - Similares
  93. Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore and Parallel Worlds: Amazon ...

    By cherry-picking a bunch of the more odd-ball (predominantly sole witness) UFO-
    occupant cases pre-1970 and drawing parallels with mythical encounters ... - En caché - Similares
  94. Did Howard Hughes View a Captured UFO and Its Occupants? By Bill ...

    7 Jul 2008 ... Title: Did Howard Hughes View a Captured UFO and Its Occupants?, Category: World
    Affairs, Author: Bill Knell, PubDate: 2008-07-07. - En caché - Similares
  95. UFO Resource Center: Reptilian Spaceman or Demonic Power?

    Saying that reptilian creatures have the same capabilities of UFO occupants
    contradicts Biblical teachings, for these creatures, it is said, "no longer have
    ... - En caché - Similares
  96. Alien Abductions

    Are the UFO occupants, as they are described by their abductees, good or bad,
    .... If the occupants of UFOs _do_ have the power to heal, why is it used so ... - En caché - Similares
  97. Aliens, UFOs and demonology

    "[An] impressive parallel [can] be made between UFO occupants and the popular
    conceptions of demons."61 "[UFOs can] project images or fabricated scenes ... - En caché - Similares
  98. Alien Abduction: Looking Back at America's First Case | LiveScience

    17 Apr 2009... and the couple came to believe that they had been abducted by the UFO's
    occupants, who then erased their memories. The couple sought the ... - En caché - Similares
  99. Reptilian Aliens Pictures

    Alien-ufo- , alien stack residents Hill and are reportedlydifferent alien ...
    grey aliens would not know the Deformed skulls photographed in ufo occupants ... - Similares